Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How to use D-blog...

Due to popular demand, I'm obliged to continue blogging! So, hey, I'm back!! And exactly how popular is popular here you may ask. Lets see... Now, let us have a show of hands of those who are craving for, or have somehow long to read, or in some particular way are waiting for, or, because of unforeseen circumstances, in an unexplained manner, for some strange reasons, would like to see an updated D-blog!! One... Anymore?! You hiding behind the transparent brolly, two... And the Indian girl who's talking none stop with the Diane von Furstenburg top, Topshop bottom flare trousers, Pierre Cardin bra and panty, and a Swatch dinner watch and mind you, i'm not peeping into her garments… three... Sorry, nope, legs are not counted... Yes, you over there with your right arm half raised... I'll take it that your muscle's cramp due to something you did yesterday – four! Hey, I asked for hands, not fingers... and definitely not the middle one you uncaring human!! Alright, you sincere looking young boy over there with a lollipop in your mouth, and that makes five... Some more?! Yup, the person standing right behind... far behind... Or is that a mirror at the back?? Okay, at least it reminded me to include myself, so six!! Okay, I know, ice-cream will be given to you shortly little boy... now go back to your place and keep your hands up!!! Anyway, a great six (6) out of a mere 6.804 billion, as estimated by US Census Bureau, people on this planet!! Now lets make a conservative approximation and say six (6) out of seven billion (7,000,000,000) and that goes to yield... oops, my calculator here displays 0%, which means... (Who told you it meant D-blog's unpopular?) It MEANS... I gotta use my scientific calculator for this is too complicated an equation to solve for conventional calculators!! So, here we have it – exactly 0.000,000,000,857%!! Now why do all five of you have to start utilizing your calculator?!? Do you not trust me? Do you think I may fiddle with the numbers or are you insulting my ability to use the CASIO fx-570MS?? Anyway, it may not seem like a large number but at least the demand to revive D-blog is higher than the demand to reinstate George Bush as the president of the United States, which, according to my research, to put in numbers, totaled two (2) – him and his wife, out of nearly seven billion people!! Not to forget my handicap for the exclusions of leg- and middle-finger-votes!! So, that's for the popularity comparisons! Alright, craps complicated calculations apart, let me do some serious blogging... before the percentage starts to drop...

Like every book, sorry, I mean every interesting, well-written, carefully edited, proficiently published great book, there should be a 'How to use' section in a finely tuned blog, I figured, at least. Nope, I am not going to paste the whole 'How to use' page from Google or Blogger, or give a rather lengthy explanation on where or what to click, since after all, that section in a book never includes the 'how to flip the pages' part. Instead, I will put orderly

Contents of this blog will include (but not limited to):

Whereby some random question(s) on some random topic(s) will be posted just to trigger your imagination (or rather challenge your seemingly mundane day)

Do you know?!
Something you SHOULD, but most probably DO NOT, know!

Top 10 of everything
in D-BLOG of course (not in the world)

Quick quiz
You have thirty seconds and the time starts... in thirty seconds... I know it's temping but please no Googling!

So out of five (5) human beings, each of you represents 20% of the survey! See, less people more share!

Popular Email and D-Review
Some popular, evergreen post(s) with a commentary

Song Analysis
My interpretation of the song... Also, please let me know your thoughts as well!

Facts, Figures, Figurines...
WE all wanna gain some knowledge.

Would you rather A or B?

Money Matters

Cars Comment
Watch this space - going to replace Jeremy Cralkson soon... Oh, no that's not a typo, just a different guy...

Once a while, some records are meant to be broken... And when that happens, and I happen to have read, watch or heard about it, it will be here!

A universal language worth cracking your head to speak...

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