Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present to you… D-Blog of DK!!! Please bear in mind that DK here doesn’t stand for Dorling Kindersley… neither is it Donna Karan nor Daniel Kirkwood… and surely not Denmark, Kobenhavn (Copenhagen). Nope, it is also not Daihatsu Kopen and never Donkey Kong for goodness sake… it stands for… well, it is a secret but I will let you know what it is if you would read until the end... For now, I can only tell you that it stands for something better than all of the above mentioned!!! Now, let me start with………. hmm.......... where should I… or rather how should I start??? Ok, I am gonna write about………. let me see………. I… I mean………. just… Well just allow me to think for a moment………. You… umm………. Actually, I will be writing………. I mean………. wait a minute………. Should I… I can just………. no, no, no………. Now someone tell me how to begin………. umm………. you see………. argh… I think………. Okay, I guess I shouldn’t waste your time… I am………. how to put it………. Wait, I got it………. nah… sorry, still processing………. Hey, don’t stop reading here yet………. I will start now… hmm………. just a second………. aaa… argh, it just slipped my mind………. ok… please continue………. lets start with a………. umm… hold on there… please don’t… Hey!!! Don’t leave yet………. Ok, ok, now for real………. just give me one minute… lets begin with a simple………. how to say………. umm… Okay, by now, you should be able to conclude that I cannot blog… but please give me a chance………. Hey!!! Where are you guys off to??? Come on………. I haven’t even started my first full sentence and you are actually leavi… Hey??? Hey!!! Hey, you there… you, yes, you………. Please don’t leave………. I beg you to read on… I am pretty sure something’s gonna come out… I am craving for attention… but… but, sad to say, you are the only one left now………. I started off with 1000 people and now… only you!!! How can I live with… Man, I got to do something before it is too late… I guess I could start like…
Well, since I am not used to keeping diaries… not a biography kind of person… not familiar with jottings… or recording my everyday life… not even sure of the tenses that should be used… and the form of sentences I can produce… you are absolutely right if you think that I will definitely not do well in blogs… I will not make this my diary since there is no point starting one now and let the others read your diary… However, I will share with you some of my experiences… nope, not like a diary… more like a biography… I will take my time, stupid or not, to answer any question posted to let you get to know me better… I will share knowledge gained, experience encountered, records broken, cars driven in, hotels stayed in, places been to… latest news… hot topics… and bla bla bla… Wow!!! Isn’t that a perfect blog??? Well, now lets see how to organise a blog………. hmm………. can someone tell me why I am having a strange feeling of deja vu now??? I think………. omg, I am starting this again………. umm… what if i press this………. oops, no, not this………. Or is it......... this!!! I quite am sure it's not 'sign out'......... but... Hey?!! Hey you, you are the only one left and you are leaving now??? Hey!!! hey………. Hello?!! I am not talking to myself, am I??? Well, I am… I guess it is too late for me to do something now… Okay… Bye bye to myself… Bye bye Darren… and if somehow………. against all odds, you are still hiding behind the wall to read my blog… ya, my name is Darren… and DK stands for Darren Kam… Isn’t that something better??? At least no one can argue with me now… no one is around!!! Plus, it is still a secret!!! ;)
PGHK #1021 Nā-to̍h-kong 拿督公
5 days ago